Take Action
Here is where your journey begins --- where your desire for change, becomes a piece of history. There are several ways to we can win and all of them take people like you. So choose what you feel the most comfortable doing, or what you and your friends can do while hanging out, or what challenges you! Volunteering and Democracy work hand in hand. So let's work together.
Letters To The Editor - Cecil County Papers
Cecil Whig
The Whig has a 400 word limit on letters. Per the newspaper's policy: Letters will be edited for clarity, fairness and length. Letters over the word limit will be shortened or sent back to the writer. Neither anonymous nor thank you letters will be published. Paper is published Mon, Wed, & Fri. To submit, include your name, address and telephone number for verification. Mail letters to: Cecil Whig, P.O. Box 429, Elkton, MD. 21921 Fax: 410-398-4044 Sumbit emails to: letters@cecilwhig.com
www.CecilDaily.com is an on-line version of the Whig (letters published in the Cecil Whig will also be published online.
Cecil Times www.CecilTimes.com An on-line only paper
Cecil Times welcomes Letters to the Editor as well as comments on individual articles. Sound off on any local, regional or state issue. Ground rules: please supply a name and a real email address (the email address will not be published) so we can verify it and avoid spam. Letters should be emailed to: ceciltimes@gmail.com. We will then post letters on this page, with the most recent letters on top of the page. Cecil Times reserves the right to publish letters, or not, at our discretion. Keep it short, keep it clean, keep it civil.
See more at: http://ceciltimes.com/letters-to-the-editor/#sthash.rzPkM8GI.dpuf
Rising Sun Herald www.HeraldandChronicle.com
Letters can be up to 400 words. Must be signed by individual, no clubs or groups, with a phone # for verification only, # will not be published. Letters are preferably MAILED to Rising Sun Herald P.O. Box 998 Rising Sun, MD 21911. Also can be dropped off at 303 E. Main St. 410-658-5740 Deadline Thursdays at noon for weekly Tuesday publication. Submit emails to: opcnews@zoominternet.net for stories, photos.
Letters to the Editor
September 21, 2018 - Colvin will fight for all his constituents
September 19, 2018 - Colvin will protect Cecil, its residents
September 14, 2018 - Colvin carries McCain's spirit, values
September 5, 2018 - Colvin will help protect students
March 11, 2018 - Back down the NRA with your vote
February 9, 2018 - Dems work diligently for veterans
February 5, 2018 - Fake news? Not!
January 26, 2018 - Stop persecuting immigrants, work toward reform
January 19, 2018 - DACA recipients contribute to America
December 8, 2017 - Special interests trump residents for Harris
Was your letter to the editor published? Let us know and we'll add it to the list!