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Events & Fundraising

Our events & fundraising committee plans and executes events such as our appearance at the Cecil County Fair and fundraisers like our annual fall barbecue.

Responsive Action (ReAct)

ReAct provides our community with insightful programming related to current events and issues and organizes when necessary. Past events include a forum on tax reform.

Community Service

Our community service committee organizes our Adopt-a-Highway events and other service within our local communities.


You'll see our elections committee members out and about registering people to vote.

Science/Environmental Committee

The Science / Environment Committee encourages and conducts political action on all Science and Environment-related topics, including concerns about the environment (global warming/climate change, rising sea levels, loss of permafrost, pollution, recycling, clean air, and water), science funding in education, funding for government science/environment-related programs and organizations (EPA, etc.), endangered species, animal rights, and nuclear weapon disarmament, etc. 


The committee encourages members to pro-actively identify legislation, communicate their findings, and lobby our Representatives regarding pertinent legislation.  The committee also identifies science/environmental organizations, especially activist ones, such as Union of Concerned Scientists, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Greenpeace, Sierra Club, etc., and encourages members to join these organizations' (usually free) mailing lists and Facebook pages. 


The committee chair has gathered and maintains a mailing list of about 30 science/environment activists and occasionally sends out email alerts on upcoming legislation, political actions such as marches, and forwards emails re: similar activities from agencies like the Sierra Club.  The committee has also actively networked with sister Science / Environmental groups in national and local jurisdictions, including Harford County, Baltimore, New York, & others.

© 2019 by  Cecil Co. Democrat Club 

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